Thursday, July 22, 2010

RC tanks - the Heng Long myth

There would appear to be a number of largely ill-informed articles circulating on Heng Long models berating reliability, robustness, accuracy and quality, but seem to be based either on hearsay or a one off bad buy, or even worse the "I own a Tamiya and they are best" club. Before commenting further I'll lay out my experience to date and what it's based on and you can judge for yourself.

First, I have26 1/16 scale models of my own consisting of Tamiya(T), Heng Long(H) and Mattorro(M). They are1 King Tiger(M),1 King Tiger(T), 4 Tigers(H), 1 Tiger(T),2 Panthers(H), PanzerIV-F(H), PanzerIV-F2(H), 2 PanzerIII-L(H) , StugIII, TauchpanzerIII-H(H), Sturmtiger(H), Kubelwagen(T), Schwimmwagen(Edouard), 2 Sherman 105mm(T), 1 Pershing M26(H), T34-85(M), and scratch built SU-76i, SU-100, Jagdpanther and Cromwell.

Second, I have purchased and modified40+ other HL tanks, a mixture of types including smoke and sound versions, and sold these.

Every tank I have has been modified, my own all have metal gearboxes, tracks and suspension. Some have other metal extras added, e.g. hatches, side hatches, cupola, tow ropes, shackles etc. No two have the same paint scheme or represent the same tank division/regiment.

All of those sold have been modified for accuracy and painted in different schemes.

I have therefore no little experience in Heng Long and feel I am able to comment reliably and sensibly on their qualities.

So first the matter of "only 50% chance you'll get an HL tank that works", every HL tank I have received has worked perfectly out the box. There have been two received with very minor easily repaired cosmetic damage, but this has been due no doubt to the treatment by carriers. The tanks were obtained from a variety of suppliers, in Germany, Hong Kong, USA and GB, yet both damaged tanks had been carried by the same carrier so I reserve judgement on that.

Second "the electronics are rubbish", again in my experience their boards are excellent, especially the new TK-RX14 and whats more they're repairable. As far as reliability and robustness, well after a two years all my tanks are still functioning. I have had to replace a couple of main boards and smoke units but that was through my own stupidity rather than component failure.

With regard to accuracy of detail, well I have noted a number of errors on all makes of tank irrespective of manufacturer. The main corrections/mods I have made tomy models are as follows -

KT - make rear door functional, fill annoying little gaps in turret corners, move antenna

Tiger - move cupola round, rotate mantlet, turn pistol port, move antenna, extend barrel

Panther - redesign front to have correct slope, move antenna, new barrel

Many of the complaints I read are allegedly about perceived historical inaccuracies "that version shouldn't have this that or the other", well when you've looked at as many tank photos, tank encyclopaedias and reference books as I have you'll come to realize that unless your portraying a tank just out the factory then throw the rule book away. I have photos of early versions with late cupola, all types with added track on turret, a variety of tools, late road wheels etc etc, basically commanders did what they had to. Paint for camouflage was at times begged, borrowed or simply stolen and done in the field, not always nice factory applied.

In short, if youve loads of cash go for a Tamiya but youll still have add-ons to buy. If your interested in the hobby and want to get started readily youll buysix HL for the price of one Tamiya!

One justified complaint on the early HL tanks was the weak suspension system and the upgrade consisting ofan internalmetal strip and spigots was advisable especially for use outdoors. This has now largely been overcome in the new HL Tigers/Panthers with the introduction of their own metal strip system which is a vast improvement, it also has a far better screw on method for the wheels, which also no longer require the annoying spigots,rather than push on.

If your going to run your tank outside the first items Id advise is metal track (make sure the metal sprocket wheels are included!)and gearbox, much more robust. Next you can add metal wheels, hatches, tools, thereis a whole multitude of add-ons available, just take your pick. Paint your own colour scheme, there are loads of pictures on the net showing excellent colour schemes, have a go and make it YOUR tank.

In all enjoy the hobby, have a tank battle and no need for expensive electronic battle systems, use 6mm paintballs, you'll soon see who hits who and they're washable!

So if you found this helpful please rate it below and if I can be of further help email me, I'll do what I can.

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